Friday, August 19, 2016

Blackboard Grade Center Checkups

It's that time of year again . . . 

TLC staff will offer Grade Center checkup sessions during the week of August 22, 2016, to ensure your Blackboard Grade Center is properly set up and ready for the Fall semester.  We will check to ensure that all columns are properly set up and included in the final calculation, that there are no hidden columns (seen by students but not by instructors), and that all columns are included in weighted categories (where applicable).  We will also help you to reorganize your Grade Center from a weighted system into a total points system, where applicable.

Each session will last approximately 30 minutes, depending upon the number of courses you have. All sessions will be held in the TLC, 240A.

Please contact the TLC to register for one of the half-hour time slots available during any of these sessions: 
- Tuesday, August 23 (12pm-2pm)
- Wednesday, August 24 (4pm-6pm)
- Thursday, August 25 (9am-11am)

See the Fall 2016 Grade Center Checkup flyer for additional details.

Contact the TLC at 694-8908 or to register for a session (or to request an alternate time if none of these times work for you).